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사이트맵 전체메뉴

campus 콘텐츠영역


다솜고등학교 본문

School Regulation

Chapter 1 General

  • Article 1 (Purpose)
  • The school aims to provide opportunity of education and career ability to multi-cultural children who are not able to develop their own capability because of circumstance and to nourish them as responsible democratic citizens.
  • Article 2 (Name)
  • The school is called Korea Poly Tech Dasom High School .
  • Article 3 (Address)
  • The School is located in 145 Gangjedong, Jecheon-si Chungcheongbukdo.

Chapter 2 School Tear ∙ Grades ∙ Terms∙ Holidays

  • Article 4 (School Year)
  • The school has 3-year course exception for skipping a grade and early graduation approved by the school principal.
  • Article 5 (Grades)
  • There are 3 grades.
  • Article 6 (Terms)
    • ① There are 2 terms. The first term is from March 1 to date determined by the school principal considering number of school days, holidays and curriculum and the second term is from next day after the end of the first term to end of February next year.
    • ② The short terms in vocation period and special programs during the regular terms can be installed in order to extend learning opportunities for transferred students.
  • Article 7 (Holidays)
    • ① Holidays consist of:
      • 1. Legal holidays
      • 2. School Anniversary
      • 3. Saturday by 5 study days a week
      • 4. Vocations : Summer, Winter, End of year and others.
    • ② Except for each items on the first clause, temporary holidays can be available when natural calamities or other emergent crises happen.
    • ③ The principal can appoint home schooling when it is reasonable for school affairs.
    • ④ If it is necessary, the practice or homework can be given even on holidays.

Chapter 3 Classes and volume of students

  • Article 8 (Number of classes)
  • The number of classes are total 9 with 3 departments and 3 grades.
  • Article 9 (Volume of students)
    • ① Volume of students is 15 per class and 135 in total.
    • ② The recruitment area is the whole nation.
    • ③ The recruitment consists of regular and irregular recruitments.

Chapter 4 Curriculum, the number of school days and acknowledgement of course completion

  • Article 10 (Academic Curriculum)
  • The academic curriculum can be decided by the school principal through the inquiry of the school academic curriculum committee. However, Korean and Social Science(including Korean History or History) according to article 43 of the Enforcement Decree for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of Korea, should be more than 50 of 100 in class hours of the curriculum.
    • ① The completing course consists of general studies and professional studies and creative experience activities consist of autonomous activities, club activities, volunteer work and career exploration and planning.
    • ② Korean and Social Science studies should be more than 50 of 100 of class hours to plant national identity.
    • ③ Through select few program of less than 15, the class makes use of learning programs for improving individual students' academic ability and provides opportunities suitable to their levels.
    • ④ The school fosters students as responsible technicians who have basic job training and working ability and talented men necessary for the industrial society through Korean Language, general studies and technical education.
    • ⑤ The school strengthens human nature education, nourishes community spirits and self-control through every student living in the dormitory and social adjustment by establishing sense of value practicing love for neighbors with war heart.
    • ⑥ The school provides beautiful nature and scenary to balance emotion and intelligence of students and nurture love and concern for nature and importance of environmental conversation.
    • ⑦ Considering special educational circumstances of multi-cultural family children, the school can run flexible curriculum to maximize its efficiency of settlement education for them by acknowledging course credits for completion and graduation through no grade and no class policy.
  • Article 11 (Classroom management)
    • ① The time of start and end of classes is decided by the school principal.
    • ② The school principal combines different departments and grades if it is necessary.
    • ③ The school principal can perform extracurricular experience activities under parents' agreement and it can be acknowledged as class in range of 2 weeks.
  • Article 12 (the number of school days)
  • The yearly regular school days should be more than 180 days including camps, field(experience) activities. However, the school principal may shorten the days because of natural calamities and other reasons and after closing the situation, can order supplementary classes if it is necessary.
  • Article 13 (Extracurricular activities)
  • The type, period, method and procedure of extracurricular activities can be decided by the school principal in the rage of no harming academic affairs. However, experience activities with parents should be conducted after permission of the school principal and it will be recognized as acceptance when report or other documentary evidence is submitted.
    • ① The type of extracurricular activities :
      • 1. Participation in pre-college academic programs installed by university-level institutions.
      • 2. Participation in programs held by local offices of education and associated by schools.
      • 3. Participation in programs planned by the school and students
      • 4. Participation in multi-cultural programs.
      • 5. Job interview and preparations.
      • 6. Other activities acknowledged by the school principal.
    • ② The acknowledgment of extracurricular activities is limited in periods acknowledged by the school principal including period after confirming university entrance in its irregular recruitment, job interview and preparation.
    • ③ The management and procedure is in order of requesting experience activities, approving, conducting them and submitting the report.
  • Article 14 (Tests)
    • ① Regular test consists of middle-term and final tests and subjects for middle-term tests can be flexible by decision of grade management committee.
    • ② If it is necessary, the school principal can conduct irregular tests.

Chapter 5 Admission, Re-Admission, Transfer, Change school and their procedures

  • Article 15 (Entrance)
    • ① The eligibility for entrance as the first grade is who needs secondary education focusing hu on nurturing man nature and basic technical professional education and specification education and comes under the following items.
      • 1. Middle school graduate or equivalent qualification
      • 2. Who passed the qualification test for high school entrance
      • 3. Who graduated middle school course appointed by the minister of education science and technology department.
      • 4. Who completed middle school course for sometime in mother land before entrance to Korea.
      • 5. Who completed to course equivalent to middle school in the social education facilities appointed by the minister of education science and technology department.
      • 6. who is acknowledged qualification by other law and regulations and wants to be admitted to the school regardless of address.
    • ② The school principal may permit multi-cultural family child who can not prove the academic achievement through inquiry of admission screening management committee and is approved qualification.
  • Article 16 (Entrance time)
    • ① Entrance time is in 30 days from the start of school year.
    • ② The time of re-admission or transfer can be irregular in range of no harm to completing course and the school principal can decide it.
  • Article 17 (Admission methods)
  • In case of excess of volume of students for entrance as the first grade, the students can be admitted by screening and additional detailed admission guide should be prepared.
  • Article 18 (Re-Admission)
  • In case of failure or quitting school volunteerly, if he/she wants re-admission, it is limited in vacancy and the school principal can permit re-admission as same or less grade in range of no harm to complete academic course.
  • Article 19 (Transfer)
  • In case of transfer, if he/she wants to be admitted, it is limited in vacancy and the school principal can permit transfer through inquiry by admission screening management committee.
  • Article 20 Change school)
  • If a student wants to change school because of inevitable reason, can move out under permission of the school principal. The school should transmit entire transcripts to the new school.
  • Article 21 (Documents for admission)
  • Who wants to be admitted should submit documents necessary for admission by additional procedures.
  • Article 22 (Documents for transfer)
  • Who wants to transfer to the school, should submit transcripts from the former school in addition to documents necessary for admission.
  • Article 23 (Written Pledge)
  • Who is admitted to the school(including re-admission and transfer) should submit written pledge with the joint signature by additional procedures.
  • Article 24 (Guarantor)
    • ① The guarantor should be who has custody or guardianship for a student.
    • ② When guarantor or deputy guarantor changed one's personal affairs and address, he/she contact to the school principal immediately.
  • Article 25 (Leave of absence)
    • ① Who wants leave of absence for disease or other inevitable reasons, should submit the document for reason with proof document and joint signature of guarantor to the school principal.
    • ② The period of leave of absence is time for remedy according to medical diagnosis and its unit is a year.
    • ③ If the reason for leave of absence is cleared, student should return to next school year.
  • Article 26 (Volunteer Leave)
  • Who wants to leave school volunteerly should submit the paper for reason with the joint signature of guarantor and get permission by the school principal.

Chapter 6 Completion and Graduation

  • Article 27 (Completion of course)
    • ① For completion and graduation, it should be evaluated by attendance and grades of both regular and irregular tests.
    • ② For completion of grade, students should attend more than 2/3 of school days.
  • Article 28 (Graduation)
  • The school principal grant a diploma of graduation students who is acknowledged to complete the entire course of school.

Chapter 7 Tuition Fee, Admission Fee, Other Expenditure and Scholarship

  • Article 29 (Tuition Fee, Admission Fee and Other Expenditure)
  • As a rule, the expense is supported by the government but students may pay for part of fees.
  • Article 30 (Scholarship)
  • The decisions on scholarships is made by the school principal.

Chapter 8 skipping a grade and Early Graduation

  • Article 31 (skipping a grade and Early Graduation)
  • Who is selected for skipping a grade and completes the course for graduation and is approved by the school principal can be available for skipping a grade or early graduation according to regulations for them.
  • Article 32 (Selection Time)
  • The selection of skipping a grade should be made in 30 days after the start of school year. However, in the case of 1st grade, it should be made in 90 days after entrance.
  • Article 33 (Selection Procedure and Methods)
    • ① The procedure for selecting skipping a grade is:
      • 1. Recommendations by home room teacher through student and parents' request (or after their agreement).
      • 2. Evaluation of academic achievement test on subjects appointed by the school principal.
      • 3. Screening by Graduation screening committee.
      • 4. Selection by the school principal.
    • ② The object for skipping a grade should be well-behaved, well-developed both physically and mentally and have good health and stable emotional status and satisfy the following items.
      • 1. Whose grades of Korean, Mathematics, English of late term were more than very excellent. Who is judged as higher desire for learning.
      • 2. Who has especially excellent talents for mathematics, Korean and Arts and whose grades of the entire subjects is more than excellent. Who was awarded in the contest held by the department of education, science and technology and local offices of education or authorized in national level and recommended by teacher who charges the subject.
      • 3. Who is judged as eligible for skipping a grade or early graduation by the school principal.
    • ③ In case of freshman, the grades of late term is of final year of middle school or in case of transfer, it is replaceable with additional test prepared by the school.
  • Article 34 (Courses and Classrooms for skipping a grade)
    • ① Who is selected as object for skipping a grade, should study autonomously the entire subjects for next grade under guidance of the teachers in charge.
    • ② The teachers in charge should prepare additional guidance plan and instruct academic course for self-directed learning and responds sufficiently to student's questions.
  • Article 35 (Composition of Course Credit acknowledgment Evaluation Committee)
  • The Course Credit acknowledgment Evaluation Committee should consist of and managed following:
    • ① The Course Credit acknowledgment Evaluation Committee consists of more and less six of vice principal, one teacher in charge, curriculum coordinator, chiefs of research, informative and student affairs.
  • Article 36 (Management of Course Credit acknowledgment Evaluation Committee)
  • The Course Credit acknowledgment Evaluation Committee charges in work of the following items.
    • 1. Planning guidance for objects for skipping a grade
    • 2. Decision of methods of course credit acknowledgement evaluation
    • 3. Making or selecting instruments for course credit acknowledgement evaluation
    • 4. Decision on standard for course credit acknowledgement evaluation
    • 5. Evaluation and Result of course credit acknowledgment
    • 6. Other work related to the course credit acknowledgement evaluation
  • Article 37 (Evaluation Time for Course Credit acknowledgment)
  • The evaluation is conducted irregularly but should be completed in the time of no harm for early admission to higher education.
  • Article 38 (Evaluation Standards for Course Credit acknowledgment)
  • The course credit acknowledgement evaluation committee should acknowledge students who satify the following standards.
    • ① Who do academic tasks diligently and archives grade determined by the course credit acknowledgement evaluation committee.
    • ② Who took the 2nd term's final exam for next grade and archives average more than 60 or was acknowledged in different ways determined by course credit acknowledgement evaluation committee.
  • Article 39 (Courses for Credit acknowledgment)
  • The object for skipping a grade should be acknowledged for the entire subjects of next grade.
  • Article 40 (Reexamination of Course Credit acknowledgment evaluation)
  • When there is objection on decision by the course credit acknowledgement evaluation committee. the interest party can request to the school principal for reexamination according to the following procedures.
    • ① In 7 days from report of the decision by the committee, the student and parents should submit the document with the joint signature for requesting reexamination.
    • ② Received the request for reexamination, the school principal should conduct the course credit acknowledgment evaluation for each subject and report the result in 15 days from receipt.
  • Article 41 (Selection of skipping a grade and Early Graduation)
    • ① The object for skipping a grade should be acknowledged for the entire subject for 2 year academic course.
    • ② The object for early graduation should be acknowledged for the entire subject for 3 year academic course, pass the entrance to university and be confirmed for admission.
  • Article 42 (Procedure for Selection of skipping a grade and Early Graduation)
  • The decision for skipping a grade and early graduation for the objects should be determined by the school principal through screening by graduation screening committee.
  • Article 43 (Restoration of skipping a grade)
    • ① If there is serious maladjustment after being selected for skipping a grade, through request by student and parents(or their agreement), it can be reversible with including re-admission in 30 days after the start of year.
    • ② Who was not selected as object for skipping a grade or early graduation, should return to the school immediately.
  • Article 44 (Management)
  • The grade management of objects for skipping a grade and early graduation should be done by the department of education and information and transcript management should be done by the teacher in charge the class where the student belongs to.

Chapter 9 School Life of students including Rewards, Reprimands, other guidance and order management

  • Article 45 (Rewards)
    • ① The school principal may award scholarship and rewards to students well-behaved, highly academic-achieving, role modelled for good deeds or with contribution.
    • ② The matters on type and time of student rewards, scholarship is decided by the school principal.
    • ③ The in-school reward should be conducted according to regulations for student and graduated rewards.
    • ④ The decision on recommending scholarship outside the school should be conducted according to the standard by scholarship committee.
  • Article 46 (Reprimands)
    • ① The school principal may takes reprimands of the following items to students if it is necessary. In this case, the school principal should offer opportunities such to state opinions to the student or parents.
      • 1. In-school volunteer work
      • 2. Social volunteer work
      • 3. Taking special educational programs
      • 4. Suspension of attendance in 10 days per one and 30 days in the year.
      • 5. Expulsion
    • ② When the school principal takes the reprimands under the clause 1, the method should be respectable and educative for the student's individuality and apply the kinds of reprimands according to the gravity of offense by stage and offer opportunity for improvement to the student.
    • ③ When student is given one of reprimands under clause 1, the school should primarily prepare special program for guidance and if there is no effect, arrange special education for the student.
    • ④ The other relevant matters should be determined by the school principle.
  • Article 47 (Expulsion)
    • ① When there is a student who satisfy the condition under the following items, he/she may be expelled.
      • 1. Who has no possibility to improve by school education because of delinquency.
      • 2. Who misses classes frequently without reasonable reasons.
      • 3. Who violates the other school regulations.
    • ② The school principal can order the student to have home schooling before ultimate expulsion and when there is expulsion, should counsel sufficiently with the student and parents and make efforts to introduce other educational institutions or job training center in collaboration with the local society.

Chapter 10 Management of the dormitory

  • Article 48 (Dormitory Management)
    • ① The school runs the dormitory(Saeng-Hwal-Gwan).
    • ② Who wants to move into the dormitory should the document with the joint signature to the school principal.
    • ③ For efficient management of the dormitory, the dormitory management regulation should be enacted including the following items:
      • 1. Matters on moving in and out
      • 2. Matters on regulation on dormitory life
      • 3. Matters including work time and type of dormitory managers
      • 4. Other matters necessary for guidance of boarders.

Chapter 11 The structure and management of the student council

  • Article 49 (Structure)
  • The school principal should organize the student council in order to enhance autonomy of students and to develop creativity of various education.
  • Article 50 (Functions)
  • The student council discusses the following items:
    • 1. Budget and settlement for activities of the student council.
    • 2. The matters on the student council including school trip, picnic, volunteer work, extracurricular activities and field day event.
    • 3. Collecting students' opinions on enacting and amending the student regulation
    • 4. Proposals on other school affairs
  • Article 51 (Management)
  • The school principal should decide matters necessary for the student council structure and management as the "regulation on the student council structure and management".

Chapter 12 Additional regulations

  • Article 52 (Regulation Amendment)
  • When the school principal amends the school regulation, he/she should collect opinion of the student council who is the representative for the entire students and discuss it in the both entire teachers' meeting and school management committee.
  • Article 53 (Detailed Rules)
  • The detailed matters should be determined by the school principal separately.

Supplementary provision

  • Article 1 (the date of enforcement)
  • The regulation is enforced on March 2 2012.