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다솜고등학교 본문

Cyber Counseling Office

This is where you, as a student or a parent, can share all your concerns and worries about Dasom High School, student life, education, and learning.

Write your worries and issues here, and we will help you solve them as best as we could.

All your posts here will be kept strictly confidential between you and the cyber counselor. (☏ Counseling Office Inquiry : 043-649-2832)

  • The Cyber Counseling Office is here to help you.
  • You need not worry that others might find out about your worries and issues.
  • This is a space free from nagging and punishment.
  • Nor should you also feel forced to answer.
  • The cyber counselor is your online best friend and confidant.


커뮤니티 - [사이버상담실] 게시판 검색
Cyber Counseling Office 목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일
7 [답변완료] 안녕하세요. 기숙사 문의사항입니다. 신아리 2024-03-11
6 [코로나19 불안 관리]코로나19 바로알기 youtube 영상 공유 교학팀 2020-03-31
5 주말에 아르바이트를 하려고 하는데요(답변완료). 박경우 2018-03-28
4 [답변완료]전•편입학생 교복, 체육복 문의 박경우 2018-02-07
3 신입생 교복 문의입니다(답변완료) 성원경 2017-01-21
2 [상담실게시글]좋은 대화법 상담실 2016-09-19
1 [상담실게시글]편안한 마음을 유지하기 위한 10가지 상담실 2016-09-05
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