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Here is the List of frequently asked questions.Go to Admissions Questions.

If your question is not on the list, you may submit your queries to the Admissions Questions section.

  • Q
    What are the career prospects for Dasom High School graduates?
  • A
    Dasom School is an alternative high school that provides technical education and training. Students are given three years to acquire various skills and job-related competencies. By the time they graduate, they enter various fields in engineering based on their school experience.
  • Q
    How much does it cost for a student to attend Dasom High School ?
  • A
    Dasom School is a special government-authorized school. The Korean Ministry of Employment and Labor subsidizes the entire studying and living costs and expenses of the students, including their tuition fees, dormitory fees, and meal plans.
  • Q
    How structured are the students’ lives at the dormitory?
  • A
    There is a common schedule all residents of the dormitory must follow during the week. Students wake up at the same hour and start their days with morning exercises. After breakfast, they move to their respective classrooms. After school ends at around 5 p.m., students participate in after-school programs (including extracurricular activities and extra learning). According to an evening schedule, they either start cleaning up various parts of the dormitory or are given free time. All students must go to bed by 22:30 every night.
  • Q
    What are the eligibility criteria for students to enter the dormitory?
  • A
    In principle, all students enrolled at Dasom are required to live in the dormitory. Dasom reserves the right to expel students from the dormitory if they are found to have engaged in activities that violate the school code of conduct such as smoking and drinking.
  • Q
    Does Dasom High School allow students to participate in self-government activities?
  • A
    Students at Dasom regularly organize class meetings, student body meetings, and dormitory meetings to discuss and decide diverse matters on their own. Students also submit their requests and for improvement in school management through numerous channels, including the Voice Box.
  • Q
    What after-school programs does Dasom High School  provide?
  • A
    Depending on the demand, Dasom School provides after-school programs for sports and fine arts (including collective artistic activities) that are intended to help immigrant students adapt better to Korea. There are also extra English and mathematics classes to help students strengthen their basic academic skills.
    Dasom School also provides nighttime after-school programs for extra training for students wishing to practice their skills for acquiring national qualification certificates. In addition, the school also provides Korean Proficiency Test and immigration test prep classes. Soldiers of the nearby Ammunitions Depot V regularly visit Dasom School during after-dinner hours to perform music and provide tutorials on various subjects.
  • Q
    How is teaching performed at Dasom High School ?
  • A
    Teachers at Dasom School are not mere imparters of existing knowledge, but active mentors who guide students through their learning processes. Dasom School provides an atmosphere that encourages students to learn and study in a self-directed manner. As for some of the basic subjects, students are divided into different classes or levels, depending on their competency and performance.
  • Q
    How does Dasom High School’s curriculum differ from that of general high schools?
  • A
    The curriculum of Dasom School includes not only the teaching and learning of basic subjects, but also social and cultural education as well as technical education and training. Students are given opportunities to participate in various creative extracurricular activities and training programs. Our curriculum reflects our objective—which is to develop well-rounded individuals who are unique, creative, and well-adapted.
  • Q
    How does the admission process work at Dasom High School?
  • A
    Candidates are first assessed in terms of documented records and through in-depth interviews later. Different departments implement different criteria of evaluation and admission.
  • Q
    What is Dasom High School?
  • A
    Dasom School is a three-year high school that provides alternative, vocation-centered education and training for students from multicultural (immigrant) families. Our goal is to enable students acquire the necessary skills and aptitudes for various careers.