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법인 콘텐츠(본문) 영역

location 영역


Official Information Disclosure


Disclosure Methods Per Subject
  • Documents, figures, cards, pictures, etc. – Access in person or issuance of copied materials
  • Films and recording – Access in person or issuance of copied materials
  • Microfilms and slides, etc. – Access in person or issuance of copied materials
  • Electronic data – Sent through e-mail or provided through storage devices (floppy disks or CDs), access in person or issuance of copied materials
Disclosure Methods Per Type
  • Partial Disclosure : If the open and classified materials are separable, partial disclosure of materials may be possible to the extent that the disclosure fulfills the intent of the requester.
  • Immediate Disclosure : Information that was designed to be openly disclosed, promotional materials, and information that may be disclosed in a short time will be immediately disclosed without any additional decision-making process.
Things to Remember
  • Requester confirmation

    Resident registration card or other identifications that can confirm the identity of the requester
    (If the requester is not a Korean citizen, passports, alien registration cards, or other forms of identification, as per the relevant legislation, may be used. If the requester is a group, a business registration card, foreign group registration card, or other forms of identification, as per the relevant legislation, may be used.)

  • Statutory representative

    Documentation confirming the representative’s status as the statutory representative of the requestor, along with resident registration card or other identifications

  • Arbitrary representative

    Arbitrary representatives must present a power of attorney, as per the Ordinance of the Ministry of the Interior, along with documentations confirming the status of the requester and the representative, such as resident registration card or other identifications.

  • Disclosure via the Internet

    If there is a need to confirm the identitiy of the requester or the representative, electronic signatures may be used.